citrus trees autumn

Why Fall is the Strategic Time to Treat for Fire Ants

When you’re managing your homestead or extensive properties and large operations, planning ahead to control fire ants is crucial. Considering the significant threats fire ants pose to crops, equipment, livestock, wildlife, and people, PLUS their ability to establish resilient colonies and relocate when disturbed, a well-rounded fire ant control strategy is essential. Incorporating fall treatments into your fire ant management plan is a crucial part of that strategy. Read on to discover why!

Why Fall is Ideal for Treatment

Fire ants are notorious for their swarming and mating behaviors, which primarily occur in the spring. By the time fall arrives, new colonies have already established themselves and have been growing throughout the summer. Even if you’re only starting to notice fire ants on the surface now, these colonies have been maturing and expanding below ground.

  • Optimal Foraging Behavior: As temperatures drop below 70 degrees, fire ants begin their fall foraging in preparation for winter. This increased activity means they are more likely to encounter and consume bait. They are particularly hungry for protein, making fall an ideal time to apply treatments.
  • Prevent Spring Problems: Treating in the fall helps you manage the population before it can explode in the spring. By addressing the colonies now, you reduce the likelihood of a more significant infestation when warmer weather returns.

Choosing the Right Products

Extinguish® fire ant baits are far and away your best choice to maximize fire ant control efforts:

Extinguish® Professional Fire Ant Bait

This bait features (S)-methoprene, an insect growth regulator (IGR) that targets fire ant colonies by preventing colony rebound and movement. Effective results typically start within 3 weeks, with full colony elimination visible in 6-8 weeks. Approved for use around people, livestock, and pets, it’s designed for various labeled ant species.

Extinguish® Plus

Extinguish® Plus combines an adulticide with an IGR. The adulticide begins killing worker ants via ingestion, while the IGR prevents the queen from reproducing. This dual-action product is effective against a wide range of ants, including imported and native fire ants. It’s suitable for use across different labeled environments, including residential, commercial, and agricultural settings.

Implementing fall treatments with products like Extinguish® Professional Fire Ant Bait or Extinguish® Plus can significantly reduce fire ant populations and prevent future infestations. For more information on these products or to determine the best solution for your operation, reach out to a representative in your area.